being a missionary or a servant of God is not easy,there are many problems concerning the people,there are many rejections and the people love arguements,but we dont care about those things,we always think that its just a trial of faith,because though we are missionaries God is still testing our faith if how we are devoted in our purpose as a missionaries..i love resolving concerns of the people and we also love inviting people to come unto christ by having faith in christ,repenting of their sins,being baptize by someone who holds the preisthood of God..receiving the gift of the hole ghost and endure to the end by keeping the commandments og God..
i testify that if we bring one soul to our father in Haeven how great shall be our joy..
Ilove being a missionary:))
char .!!:)) y0u really made a great difference 0n th0se pe0ple wh0 vaLUe u - here in c0n.2 ward :)) we will miss u a l0t elder manansaLA . take care aLways .. y0u wiLL never be f0rg0tten . :)